Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Charles Eames Animations again

I think I'll change the word 'bitchmaster' to 'hero?'

Charles Eames attacks and it injures.  But is Alvar Aalto bothered. I don't think so.
I've just realised that I'm animating the dead. I AM DR FRANKENSTEIN!

Trying to get Charles Eames to dance

Multiple arms I'm none to sure about.

Frames1,2 and 4 work best.


Efficiency, Durability, Safety and ergonomics of a product leaves you with artistic and moral judgements AKA Taste.

T'is the revealing of who we are through our objects and purchases.
Taste before mass production was easy.

-Taste and modernism.
- An opportunity for equal opportunity.
- People/designers want to be different/individual
- People communicate throughtheir consumer choicess.
- Taste, Design and the Brand

Kitsch 'unknowingly naff or offensive attempts to be clever.'
- look at Jeff Koons.

- geographical, social, educational, economic.

'one persons weird is another persons priority'

Monday, 29 November 2010

Hierarchial Forms

Design a set of 'games pieces' which could be used in an unspecified theoretical board game.

- 4 pieces
- Should be seen as a set
- Explore form, scale, texture, material and finish.
- Each piece should have individuality.
- They should show hierarchy.
- No larger than 150mm in any plane.
- Should be kept white, no colour applied.

Think Chess Pieces not Monopoly pieces.

Model with soft materials such as thin card, kappa board, Styrofoam at first,

Submission 31st JAN 1:00PM

Superheroes ideas

Friday, 26 November 2010


Anthropometric Data is nude
check the source
design forthe whole range

fit of person= physical and line of sight
mean - average
mode - highest occurring
median - 50% each side

What is good design?

What is good design?
-becauseitdoes its job well?
- because of how it's made? Fair Tade/ethical/ resources
- because its origianl?
- because its original?
- because its beautiful?
- because it wins something? Brainwashing/subliminal messaging

Joy in Labour - Christopher Dresser and John Ruskin
William Morris- 'Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.'

Lois Sullivan - 'Form follows function'

Form following materials and imagination

form follows identity
form follows ethics, comment and ideas?

Adolf Loos - Ornament=crime

Are decoration and aesthetics design?
James Dyson, Constance Spry, Tord Boontje

Mies Van der rohe 'less is more'
Ettore Sottsass 'less is a bore' Memphis Collective

Dieter Rams: 10 principles for a good design
2.Makes a product useful
4.Makes a product understandable
5.Is honest
6.Is unobtrusive
8.is through to the last detail
9.is as little design as possible
10.Environmetally friendly

Thursday, 25 November 2010

: exotic influences in art

Art Deco (1910s- 1940s)
Tutmania (1920s)

Eileen Gray Pirogue Daybed (1919)

Mid 20s it came into style (1925 - Internationale des arts decoratifs)
Rockefeller Center, New York
Chrysler Building, NY, 1927-30, William Van Alen, (Influenced by Mexican temple complex)
Paul T Frankl 'Skyscraper' desk and bookshelf. 1928.
Ruth Reeves 'Manhattan' Block printed cotton. 1930.
Cartier, Egyptian Sarcophagus Vanity Case, 1925
SS Normandie 1935 Panel byJean Dunard.

George Cole, Carlton Cinema, Essex Road, London
Ten Commandments (1923?)
Claudette Colbert in Cleopatra (1934)
Zigarette Poster
Chichen Itza, Mexico

Pierre Laguin 1923, Python Table 1928
Stutz 1932 with Ra emblem

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Kids Seating things

Sketchpad development and ideas

The plasticard model I made.


Taken Apart

The idea was that the chair would have a character attached to it and they could become that character. Its supposed to be armour to protect kids from scrapes. I'm not illustrating that they are invincible and people can just punch them in the stomach.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Kid Proportions

A handy link with drawings

Create a Superhero

- cartoon
- realistic
- sci-fi
- anything you want really

Things to look up.
- pixar characters
- hellboy
-  x-men

-  Mathboy
- A. Square (The spirit of Edwin. A. Abbot)
- Need something with a good silhouette
- Potato girl (weapons are razor sharp wedges)
- Roger the Prawn
- Weather balloon head girl
- Monster Frog
- Breakdancing Politician
- Mr Bun the Baker
- Climber from everest book.
- Morris Pond


Kids Seating - Wearing the Chair/ Mechwarrior

Friday, 19 November 2010

Finished Linked Form Model

I just added the stalk thing. I think it looks a lot better.
To link them, you stick it in, turn clockwise, stick it further in and turn anti-clockwise.

Grasping/Gripping and Holding

Work in pairs.
10+ different grasp/grip and hold postures (both single and double handed)
In 2 of the cases, more detail is required.
Investigate further by offering a range ofweights, handiness (left or Right), hand size, etc
Include pictures and a brief description of the grasp, grip and hold are made.

Should be submitted on a set of A4 pages bound together by16:00 on Friday 17th December

Thursday, 18 November 2010


Nintendo arcade games

Kids Seating Armour sketches

Modernism: Shelagh Tequila

German display at the Barcelona Exposition
- Transformative (for the masses/ improve peoples lives)
- Form/ Function and Space
- Mies Van der Rohe
- Le Corbusier
- Progress technology/ The machine
- Geometry

Something on Ford Factory
Fordism = Mass production
Frederic Taylor and improving efficiency
Assembly line born
2500 Model T's produced in a day
Mass Production = Mass Consumerism

Shock of the new/ Trouble in Utopia
Robert Hughes
Rational Design = rational societies

Analysing chairs that were brought in

Hans J Wegner Y (wishbone) Chair
Charles Eames


Soap flakes can be used to finish the product.

Importance of Primary Research (touch/ feel/ finish)
Working in Teams (opinions/ debate/ sharing/ knowledge)


An introduction.

Reveals our attitude to nature
Environmental and Ecological

Inventive use of its products/ materials/ processes
- Timber = fuel, construction, paper.
- Forests = oxygen, medicines, life in general.

Hardwood: Deciduous (broadleaf) e.g. Oak
Softwood: Evergreen (conifers) e.g. Pine

Hardwood and Softwood have ddifferent cell structures
Produce different seeds

Far more varieties of hardwood.
Softwood used more commercially.

FSC- Forest Stewardship Council - Manage Forests

From saw mill through to industrial methods.

From a Log
Flat (plain) Sawn
Rift Sawn
Quarter Sawn

Moisture Content  - kiln dry/ air drying
Or go for Green Timber

Veneer - Plain Sliced or Rotary
Go to veneer selector for information. It has a veneer of the month!

Fixtures and glues
Screw and glue and various joints

Lamination and Bending
New Developments http://www.reholz.de/

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Linked Forms Models

It was originally supposed to be an apple but I changed it to an acorn.

Monday, 15 November 2010


First Lesson Involving AutoCad, I hated it.

Start - AutoCad 2011

File - New - Drawing Sheet - Set - Manufacturing Metric

Line  Tool (space/return/right click to stop)
Middle button = Pan
Trim Tool = Highlight/select lines - Click Trim - Click line you wish to snip
Fillet Tool = Highlight/ select lines - Right Click - Select Radius - Input number - Select vertical and horizontal line - Corner is smoothed (Press Spacebar to do it again)
Offset = Highlight/select line - Click offset - click on line - input number - press enter - Line offset.

Talk by Black and Blum

Black and blum website.

They were ex DFI students at Northumbria.
Based at Oxo Tower in London.
Went to 100% Design show

Products Made
James the Doorman
Mr and Mrs Hangup

Chess Board Ideas

Red Coloured Wood
Pair of scales. (dunk the losing side in a bath of blood)
See-Saw board - board tips depending on how many pieces are left on each side of the board. (Doesn't tip so far that the models fall off)

How to present work
Board 1: What is it?
Board 2: What does it do?
Board 3: How does it work?
Board 4: Exploded view/ materials

History Of Visual Communication

A good link to a website. http://www.citrinitas.com/
History of VisCom section http://www.citrinitas.com/history_of_viscom/index.html