Thursday 18 November 2010


An introduction.

Reveals our attitude to nature
Environmental and Ecological

Inventive use of its products/ materials/ processes
- Timber = fuel, construction, paper.
- Forests = oxygen, medicines, life in general.

Hardwood: Deciduous (broadleaf) e.g. Oak
Softwood: Evergreen (conifers) e.g. Pine

Hardwood and Softwood have ddifferent cell structures
Produce different seeds

Far more varieties of hardwood.
Softwood used more commercially.

FSC- Forest Stewardship Council - Manage Forests

From saw mill through to industrial methods.

From a Log
Flat (plain) Sawn
Rift Sawn
Quarter Sawn

Moisture Content  - kiln dry/ air drying
Or go for Green Timber

Veneer - Plain Sliced or Rotary
Go to veneer selector for information. It has a veneer of the month!

Fixtures and glues
Screw and glue and various joints

Lamination and Bending
New Developments

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