Friday 26 November 2010

What is good design?

What is good design?
-becauseitdoes its job well?
- because of how it's made? Fair Tade/ethical/ resources
- because its origianl?
- because its original?
- because its beautiful?
- because it wins something? Brainwashing/subliminal messaging

Joy in Labour - Christopher Dresser and John Ruskin
William Morris- 'Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.'

Lois Sullivan - 'Form follows function'

Form following materials and imagination
form follows identity
form follows ethics, comment and ideas?

Adolf Loos - Ornament=crime

Are decoration and aesthetics design?
James Dyson, Constance Spry, Tord Boontje

Mies Van der rohe 'less is more'
Ettore Sottsass 'less is a bore' Memphis Collective

Dieter Rams: 10 principles for a good design
2.Makes a product useful
4.Makes a product understandable
5.Is honest
6.Is unobtrusive
7.Longlasting through to the last detail as little design as possible
10.Environmetally friendly

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