Monday 24 January 2011

Hierarchical Forms

Design a set of 'games pieces', which could be used in an unspecified theoretical board game.
The set should contain four pieces in total.

It is important to that the pieces are obviously from the same set.
To achieve this you are asked to explore form, scale, texture, materal and surface finsh.

Each of  the pieces should have an iconic formal quality similar to that of chess pieces, and not be literal translations like those used in Monopoly.

The pieces can take formal inspiration from any source, but should be visually well balanced, working individually as well as in a group.

The forms should be modelled in soft materials, e.g. thin card, kappa board, styrofoam etc. A number of soft models should be tried before a final solution is presented. The forms should be made as precise as possible, but be no larger than 150mm in any plane. FINAL MODELS MUST BE MADE FROM FOAM.

NB. The models must be white without the application ofany other colour.

Work Requirements
Final 4 models

Final Hand in
Monday 31st Jan 1:00

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