Monday 24 January 2011


You are required through a series of assignments to produce a portfolio of work that will graphically represent, research and design that will lead to the production of toy's that are minimal in form.

Toy 1 A transport related, Produced from mild steel sections.
Toy 2 A Family related, Produced from a selection of Hardwood's.
(Come up with 3 designs for each toy but only make one.)

Through he correct use of proportion and semantics the forms will suggest a more complex artifact. The toy must be marketed and packaged with a promotional campaign.

Work Requirements
Final Hand In:
1:1 scale Toys and Packaging
Portfolio of visual research and marketing concepts
A maximum of four A3 presentation boards.
A full set of technical drawings including an orthographic general arrangement (GA)
Supportive sketchwork and design development drawings.

Cop Cars?

Useful Links

31/01/2011 Designs and sets of drawings to be in.
Models in ?

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