Tuesday 5 October 2010

CPA Learning Skills in 3D Design

'Research' - Collecting and analysing information.

1. Defining types of research
2. Collecting research - Sources (where to look). How to reference and record it.
3. Analysis: Using it

Primary - Go and see it for yourself
Secondary - Internet/ book. Reduced and interpreted by someone else.
Quantitive (stats) Measuring stuff, surveys, questionnaires
Qualititive (stories) Documentary.

Creative Research! Go out and think.

Influences + reading round the issues + thoughts + initial ideas + images + research = IDEA

The Library   2nd floor journals
                     6th floor (class mark 745)

Showing research is a graphic design exercise in projects/ flatwork.

In Writing
  • a bibliography (A list of sources)
  • Reference quotations (so they can be checked)
  • Reference statistics
Analysis : Thoughtful/ Creative research leads to an understanding of the issues and more successful work.

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