Saturday 2 October 2010

Intersecting forms - 40mm cubes

Cube 1
20mm made with paper, inside tabs and PVA glue

Cube 2
40mm made with cereal box card, paper tabs inside and PVA glue.
Because the card is thick it seems to add an extra mm or 2 to the dimensions.

Cube 3
39mm. Made with cereal box card, paper tabs inside and PVA glue.
Took an initial mm off the dimensions so the thickness of the card would make up for it.

Cube 4
39mm. Made of cereal box card and super glue. I used a pin to apply the glue.

Cube 5
40mm. White Card and superglue applied with a pin. The white card is thinner so I made it to proper measurements. The glue makes the card shiny wherever it has seeped through.

Cube 6
40mm. Made from white card and double sided sticky tape.
Its hard to get the last piece in place. I'm going to try it again.

Cube 7
40mm. Made with white card and double sided sticky tape.
Still haven't worked out how to put the last piece in. I think you have to be extra careful.

Altogether, Awww.
I think I'm going to take in 5 and 7. They're the most cubey.

UPDATE: 04/10/2010 - I entered Cube 5.

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