Saturday 2 October 2010


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A rare Jigsaw Giraffe is stolen from a zoo by some drunks from 'The Ship Inn Like'. The Giraffe tries to escape but gets a barrel stuck on its head. A person sees this.

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The Giraffe escapes from the cellar and goes in search of an ice lolly. Man goes running after the giraffe. He climbs up the Giraffe and tries to saw the barrel off. He fails and slides down the giraffe and smashing in through a car window.

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A vet comes along and shoots the jigsaw giraffe with a tranquiliser. The giraffe is not happy with this and the tranquiliser has the opposite effect. Instead of calming the beast it becomes agitated and angry. It goes on a rampage and people flee in terror.

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The jigsaw giraffe starts destroying buildings (Sage, Baltic. etc) with its laser eyes. (It has laser eyes because I can't draw a giraffe kicking a building)

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It wasn't a crane that destroyed the Gateshead Multi-Storey Car park, it was the jigsaw giraffe. A child drops their ice lolly and offers it to the jigsaw giraffe.

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The giraffe accepts and is happy.

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